Saturday, 30 May 2015

Benefits of Using Leased Line Connection

Leased lines have many great advantages over standard broadband and ADSL connections. More than higher speeds and faster uploads, they offer better reliability as they don't slow down during peak times. The following are only some of the most notable benefits of using a leased line connection at home or in business:

·         Leased lines are offered at higher speeds. While typical ADSL connections are advertised to reach up to 8Mbps and ADSL2+ up to 20 or even 24Mbps, leased lines offer far higher speeds of 10 to 1,000 Mbps, and even 10,000 Mbps. ADSLs that can only offer speedy connections when close to a local telephone exchange simply cannot complete with these speeds.

·         Leased lines don't slow down during peak times as ADSLs do. Because ADSL is often a contended service, bandwidth are often shared between 20 or more customers. This means that speeds remain very reliable as long as few users or online and as long as customers don't use their line all at once. Connections often slow down when the capacity of the line is reached. Leased lines, on the other hand, are dedicated to specific a user, which means your 10Mbps connection, is dedicated to your line and not shared with other consumers.

·         Speed and dedicated bandwidth provision only means faster downloads and uploads. Most line owners think that they are enjoying a 6 or 8Mbps connection, but this often only refers to the download speed. Upstream speeds are usually ridiculously slow, which can be extremely frustrating when you require great upload activity as much as download.

·         Leased lines are also generally more reliable, as they use fiber-optic cables as opposed to standard copper phone lines that ADSL connections commonly use. Fiber-optic cables don't suffer from electrical interferences that copper phone lines do and they come with high-grade and more expensive hardware that are more reliable.

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